Post Profile

: By Admin
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Program
Goal: Reduced incidence of water borne diseases among village community members
Purpose 1: Improved safe and adequate water supply in rural villages
Purpose 2: Increased proportion of village people who are using sanitary latrine
Purpose 3: Developed personal hygiene and health washing practices and behavior among higher proportion of village communities
Development Strategies for WASH Program
- Engaging community for grassroots participation in community health development
- Raising awareness of community health and development needs and problems in relation to WASHamong village people.
- Political and Government mobilization for their support and involvement in community WASH program.
- Partnership with strategic alliances such as government organizations, International organizations, local Civil Society Organizations and Community-based Organizations.
- Establishment of community health systems for development of community empowerment and sustainability of community-owned WASH Program.
- Capacity development at the community level in relation to community-based WASH program.
- Facilitation of community health development process for self-sufficiency of the community program.
- Development of a model of community mobilization and development program for organization learning.