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2021-01-15 17:53:31
Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) training
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This training was conducted by dividing two sessions at Aung Myae Thar Monastery, Nyaung U Township. The first session of training was organized with 38 participants (11 men, 27 women) from all CMMDA office, Htee Pu, Kaung Nyo and Da Hat Kan villages on 28th, 29th, 30th November 2016. The second session was organized with 50 participants (27 men, 23 women) from all CMMDA office, Kyan Ti, Ywar Lu, Phyu Htwar, Kyoet Pin Thar and Hman Taw villages on 1st, 2nd, 3rd December, 2016.
The followings were what is PHAST and it focus on what. PHAST is an acronym for Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation, which is a community management tool, designed to promote the empowerment of communities. It enables communities to identify and analyze their problems and make informed decisions on what options they want to pursue as their solutions. It also allows communities to monitor and eventually evaluate these activities to check for progress and document lessons learnt. This makes it an effective hygiene promotion tool as it ensures that beneficiaries benefit from the installed facilities for water and sanitation because they have improved hygiene behavior.
PHAST aims to ensure that the installed water and sanitation facilities deliver optimum health and social benefits, which can be sustained at the community level in the long term. PHAST consists of seven steps: 1.Problem Identification, 2.Problem analysis, 3.Planning for solution, 4.Selecting for solution, 5.Facility and behavioral change, 6.Planning for monitoring and evaluation, and 7.Participatory evaluation.
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