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: By Admin
2021-01-15 17:49:42
Forming VDCs and CVs
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Project teams organized community members and explained ways of project implementation. It included why we need VDCs, committee size, member criteria, member selection process life span of VDC and roles and responsibilities of VDC. Community members were brainstormed for selection steps as follows; Committee size: Size of the committee will be based on HH numbers of villages. Tentative size range will be 9-13 members and gender balance will also be considered surely. Plan/CMMDA will prefer odd numbers of committee members. Member selection process: VDC Members will be selected through village mass meeting and series of discussion. Members will be assigned Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, bookkeeper, auditor and members. Among the members, specific duties will be assigned based on development sectors. Here, sectors will be WASH working group (infrastructure, hygiene promotion etc), Livelihoods working group (animal raising, microfinance, saving loan etc). Other working groups will also be emerged based on project needs. Assigned members will be the lead of sectors working groups. VDC is Decision making level and working group is implementation level. Management decision will be done by VDC through proposal and submission from different working groups. Life span of VDC: Life span of VDC will be based on annual basic and reselected through village mass meeting. If one member is not able to perform his/her duties, member selection will be started within one month by discussion and decision of VDC members. Other management and decision making for emerging issues like mis-management of activities will be developed under agreement of all VDC members. Plan/CMMDF will facilitate the whole process.
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